Thank you to everyone who voted for my art at the Paradise City Arts Festival this year.
I feel so blessed to have received this award. I love meeting you all and especially love to hear the stories about how my art reminds you of special places, memories and happiness in your life. I love seeing the pictures of my art hanging in your homes. I am so grateful for your support and looking forward to seeing everyone at the Paradise City Arts Festival in Northampton MA, October 12th - 14th. |
Available Paintings
Frozen in Pine
Rolling Meadows
A Beautiful Day
A Sunny Embrace
Morning Snow
Radiant Valley
Dancing Sunflowers
Calming Lavender
Standing Tall
Reach for Your Dreams
Poppy Happiness
Cherry Blossom Love
New Beginnings
Peace and Tranquility
Hidden Treasures
Walk With Me
Just Clouds
Clouds in the Air
Peaceful Path